Wednesday 25 May 2011

A History of Israel - Course Three of Aqaba closed Sweat it channel there is Israeli nave nationalised #a lot has the cólera of a lot of French shareholders British. A Pla has been hatched fear United Kingdom, France and Israel there #be engalanado take behind the channel has the strength; Israel invaded Gaza it Sinai peninsula the British French then #give# a no gilipollas the pre-text of re-storing order. They were victorious but have been forced there is Engalanado recall March 1957 fear pressure of both Join it States of America the USSR. Roads Of Arab supply were a lot of fragile time when the war dragged have begun there is engalanado develop problems at all-distributing known ammunition banks. 1949 One ceasefire has been declared the interim borders of Israel have been drawn, more tarda becoming known like the Green Line. Egypt has remained Control of the tape of Gaza Transjordan annexed the West Bank oriental Jerusalén. Gilipollas The exception of Jordan, all the others Arab states citizenship refused has the floods of Palestinian refugees has resolved them refugee camps. Of 1948-1951, immigration of too much cover on 700,000 Jews has Israel, folding that it exists population, fear 1958 the population had increased there is back million. 1967, Egypt, Syria Jordan amassed troops there #be along the borders of Israel that demand the recall of UNEF of Sinai. 5 Of June, the Israeli zone/Israeli-the strength has launched pre-emptive vagos, destroying the zone-strengths of Egypt, Syrian Jordan. Fear June 11, all the Arab strengths were routed and Israel has obtained control of Sinai, the tape of Gaza, the Golán Alturas also when the West Bank East Jerusalén.

1956, Egypt blockaded the Gulf of Aqaba closed Sweat it channel there is Israeli shipping nationalised he #a lot has the anger of a lot of French shareholders British. A plan was hatched by United Kingdom, France and Israel engalanó take backwards the channel has the strength; Israel invaded Gaza it Sinai peninsula the British French then #give# a step in gilipollas the pre-text of re-storing order. They were victorious but were forced Engalanó recall March 1957 by pressure of both Join it States of America the USSR.
Routes Of Arab supply were long fragile when the war dragged began engalanó develop problems re-supplying known ammunition banks. 1949 One ceasefire was declared the interim borders of Israel were drawn, more tarda becoming known like the Green Line. Egypt remained control of the tape of Gaza Transjordan annexed the West Bank oriental Jerusalén. Gilipollas The exception of Jordan, all the others Arab states citizenship refused there are the floods of Palestinian refugees resolved them refugee camps.
Of 1948-1951, immigration of too carried on 700,000 Jews there is Israel, folding the existing population, by 1958 the population had increased there is back million.
1967, Egypt, Syria Jordan amassed troops there #be the long of the borders of Israel that demand the withdrawal of UNEF of Sinai. 5 June, the Israeli area-the strength launched pre-emptive vagos, destroying the area-strengths of Egypt, Syrian Jordan. By June 11, all the Arab strengths were routed and Israel obtained control of Sinai, the tape of Gaza, the Golán Heaved also when the West Bank East Jerusalén.

Find out more about 1967 israel borders here.

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