Wednesday 25 May 2011

A Memorial Tribute of Day

But especially think of them.
And that it does not explain the thousands to thousands of wounded--physically and/or emotionally--who bled and suffered and came home changed forever. It does not explain the grieving parents or the widower spouses. It does not explain the boys left without a father. It does not explain the fellow and classmates and teammates and unity buddies whose grief also adds to and pushes out of those ripples of impact that extends far further the direction of house of the deceased. For each soldier of USA, sailor, Marine, or airman that has fallen, for each white cross or Star of David in an American or foreign cemetery, many, many more have been touched.
This weekend, when Old Glory snaps in the breeze, proudly showing his radiant colors and requesting emotions that tend to constrict the throat and moisten the eyes, when games of taps and drives his somber notes to the parts very deeper of #prpers, thinks of them. And his families. And those who are in the way of damage, still, in dangerous and far-went places.
It thinks of him in this way: Twenty-two miles driving distance of Lexington is Boston Fenway Park, with a capacity of 39,600 people. Fenway Would have to fill entirely a total of 33 times to equal the number of the American war died in our history. Thirty-three times! It would have to sell out of each day in May, plus June 1st and 2nd, with different people each day, to attain the 1.3 million total.
They gave us all had. They have honored us, and did us better. "The last full measure," when Sir Lincoln so aptly spoke in Gettysburg.
Everything 1,314,000 of them.
May rest in peace. And power the God blesses this Nation have so nobly left to #prpers.
Now stopped to honour them.
Our heroes fallen are our collective loss. And, odd when it sounds, is also our collective profit. We are free because of them. We can choose how work, how play, how we adoration, #the one who voted since, where lived, because of them. We have life, liberty, and the research of happiness in more that fair the theoretical, because of them.
From the sound of the first shots that are shot in sunrise in April 19, 1775, in Lexington, MA, #by the sounds of present day of the battle that is heard in Afghanistan, there has been an estimated 1,314,000 Americans killed in combating in service to this Nation.
And to thank them. Everything of them. Everything thirty-three stadiums of them.

Find out more about memorial day 2011 here.

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